Roadside verges

What an amazinly beautiful day, full of warm sunshine, flowers, insects and fluffy little cotton wool clouds...... perfect! 
I am continuing a little project of mine on roadside verges, which are stunning this time of year here in Sussex, alive with colourful wild flowers producing a rich and beautiful patchwork. 
This was a colourful patch of Lesser celendine  which I just couldn't resist, I love taking these shots from a very low angle ( usually laying on the ground!!, which has produced some interesting comments from passing motorists!!) I love low angle shots, they help you to feel you are on the ground amongst the flowers. 
For my extra I have added another shot of the beautiful and tiny Moschatal flower, so easily overlooked, and a shot of the cherry tree in full flower that I photographed dripping wonderful yellow and gold leaves last autumn.

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