Usual Monday for me.  Over 50's fitness class, shopping then Slimming World. It was " Taster Night " and I took my coconut macaroons.  There is usually loads to eat on " Taster Night " but this week there wasn't much on offer.  Reason - our consultant forgot to mention last week that it was " Taster Night " tonight.  She did put it on Facebook on Friday but a lot of members aren't on Facebook. What there was to eat was very tasty and included sausages, crispy spicy potatoes, lots of fruit, Oreo biscuits, mini meringues and a pasta quiche. I lost a pound this week.  Am now 1 ½ pounds below my target weight so I can afford to relax a little - but only a little.

The weather today has been nice again - quite sunny and mild with a slight wind.

The Mono Monday theme today is " Inside.". So here is little Lily inside her new Igloo Bed.  I put it in the bathroom as that's where she goes to have a quiet nap.  Lily seems to like it.  You can see a little feather at the front - thats her favourite toy called " Da Bird ".  Its a feathery thing on the end of a long piece of string attached to a long thin pole. She likes to have it in bed with her and she drags it all over the house and often drops it at my feet as a hint she wants to play.   Thanks to Nikimags888 for hosting this challenge.

Steps today - 12,350

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