A hole in the road

This morning, I was rudely awakened at 6.45 by some text messages from our alarm system at work, telling me that there was a power cut. With 14 freezers full of samples, we have to take power cuts very seriously, so I had to get up and start to make a plan of action. I phoned and found out that the whole campus was out, and that SSE were working on the problem. Thankfully, the power was restored at 7.30, so the freezers were perfectly fine, but I had to check that the computers were OK after the forced shut-down. 

Later in the day, we learned that SSE would have to dig a hole in the road outside our building, to try to find the root cause of the failure.  Fortunately, I'd taken a camera with me to work today, so I was able to nip out and take some shots of the hole being excavated with a cute little digger.

There's another shot of the hole in Extras, and also one of tonight's moon.

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