The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Guess which film I saw today?

Yep, the Disney one. Loved the costumes, special effects, French setting, and most of all the ballsy heroine, Belle. Years since I've seen more than a few minutes of a Disney film.

This is the original book that was brought back for my sister K from a trip to Dublin airport. I got Rapunzel. It has a pre -decimal price of 2' 6. Ladybird books were highly prized in our household. Still are!

One thing that bothered me about the Ladybird version was that the Beast was basically an ape in gentlemen's clothing. I don't think I thought then it was demeaning, just that the Beast should look more beastly! In the film, he has long curved horns. More Pan-like, but with a Wolfish face. Frasier Crane was in the mix too. Most unhelpful!

Oh, and I chaired a meeting and had my supervision review today without actually hitting anyone. I'm glad to report that some people that I was worried about last week (they were missing) tuned out to be safe after all. The other person, who died last week, unexpectedly, is still very much on my mind. I'll say more about this amazing character another time.

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