Tuesday: The Last Waltz

Ever since I saw the film in the late 80s I have been a big fan of Martin Scorsese's 'The Last Waltz', featuring The Band's last concert which they gave in San Francisco in 1978. I used to have the soundtrack (not sure where it is now) and know it inside out.

So when I saw that a number of musicians, including Levon Helm's daughter, Amy, were marking the 40th anniversary I just had to get tickets.

In anticipation of tonight I made K. watch the movie this weekend. As for the concert, it was good - really it was, but it wasn't the full rendering of 'The Last Waltz' that I thought it would be. There was quite a lot of 'and here is one of my own songs' snuck in there..........but, that said, 'Helpless', 'I Shall Be Released' and 'The Weight' were all outstanding.

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