Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Sad Max

Change of holiday day plans as Max slices the pad of his paw on the clay pigeons that have been strewn all over the top of the forest by some crappy not so sharp shooters or the vacant possessions of kids we've seen sneaking about lately (hopefully the wee angels will get a life or discover girls soon and bugger off somewhere else instead). Emergency vet visit to get his paw treated and dressed, alongside painkillers and antibiotics. He looks like a ring bearer at a wedding with his nifty purple sock and heath robinson waterproofed wee boot. Feeling a bit sorry for himself and confined very close to barracks.

Yet after dispensing mucho comfort cuddles, the four humans still managed to squeeze in a 99 at the beach later on. Shameless. That's three weekends in a row for me, shocking sweet tooth.

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