These boots were made for walking

We have learned over the years that it is very difficult to get out of the house with teenagers and today was no exception.
We had a fry up then got ready and eventually left the house at about midday.
D had the great idea of leading us up a mountain. Despite the gorgeous weather and stunning scenery the children moaned non-stop. There was a constant chorus of ; How much longer? My feet hurt, I feel sick, I've got blisters, Are we nearly there? My legs hurt, I'm thirsty.
We got half way up Skiddaw then decided to turn back. We couldn't stand the moaning any more.
Amazingly, all the ailments seemed to disappear the moment we turned back and headed for the pub.

The boys have cooked a huge leg of lamb tonight. The wine is flowing, the children have had a shandy and amazingly everyone is happy.

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