Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Laying out the welcome mat

Quite literally. Bought it in the garden centre on the way home from work.

Special guests tomorrow.

Got a fab pic back from the printers today and a frame to go with it. Delighted with the result.

Top Gun and I watched Rogue One tonight. I have to say I think it is the best of all the Star Wars films. Brilliantly realised, characters with depth. And a very spooky digital Peter Cushing.

So here is the latest weird dream in a series of weird dreams.

Last night I was lost in a hotel looking for TSM but could hear one of our mutual colleagues calling her name through a wall. Except it wasn't a hotel, it was a hospital; but when I asked one of the porters for directions he sent me down to the basement which had a shopping centre in it. Walking out I found myself in a mythical city populated by strange creatures on their way to some huge outdoor event. One of them was a naked man with a large face where his buttocks should have been. He was talking to passers by who seemed not at all surprised at his peculiar ability to talk out of his arse. Next thing I know we have entered a huge park where dark clouds pass over; a woman is running across the grass calling out in fear. Then Doctor Who appeared and stood on a wall shouting "come to me, come to me". But he was interrupted by some men pushing a huge wooden castle on wheels, from the top of which appeared Henry the VIII, who apologised to everyone for being such a lousy king and said he would try to do a better job of listening in future. 

That is the kind of dream which I suspect would drive the average therapist mad. Anyway I went on a couple of dream sites and came up with the following interpretation:

I am looking for myself but something is getting in my way; I am spiritually lost and want to find something I can connect with but there are too many confusing messages and I am afraid to look within for fear of what strange things I may find. I want to get to the root of my desires and will only do this by communicating with my inner self, particularly my more compassionate side that has been neglected in my past. If I can do this I will find an inner strength and speak with greater authority and authenticity.

Or maybe I just had too much cheese late last night...

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