I did it Segway

I guess
I’d had a few
but then again 
too few to mention

I gripped 
the bars too tight
my neck was sore 
I felt the tension

and then 
I just let go
went with the flow 
and let my knees sway
I left 
the rest behind
and did it Segway

A wonderful day at Compton Verny organised by Hildasrose.  We met with SHH, Blacktulip, JohnRH, Technophobe and StevenG.

Some of us went off on a Segway tour of the grounds while others waited in strategic spots to blip the event.

I loved it.  Forget a Harley Davison - I want a Segway: Born to be  Mild.

Anniemay has an extra of me on my steed.  She didn't tell me that my helmet wasn't on straight and made me look a plonker.

Extra shows Anniemay and Rose doing camera stuff.

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