Poor customer service?!

Two months ago Ann bought a new car.  She was less than happy about the customer service she received.  And for the last two months every time the car has gone over 50pmh it has bleeped and a message has popped up on the dashboard to say that we are exceeding the speed limit.

Edinburgh now has a speed limit of 20mph in most of the city streets so the only time we do more than 50mph is if we are on the by pass so consequently Ann keeps forgetting to get this problem sorted.

Anyway today was the day that Ann said, 'Molly, we need to get this sorted. I will phone 'Arnold Clark' (the car dealership) and tell them that they have to sort out this problem for us.' So she phoned and after explaining the problem, the receptionist said she'd put us through to the service department. The phone just rang and rang and rang and after about 5 mins it was answered by the original receptionist who said, 'No-one is picking up, I'll give you the direct dial number.'

So Ann phoned the direct dial number more than 6 times and no one picked up. Obviously by this time Ann was getting a bit angry. When she worked as a receptionist; if she didn't answer the phone within 3 rings she would have been sacked?! So she said, 'Molly, we'll just go down there in person and find someone to sort this out for us.'

So that is what we did.

Walked into the service department, explained the problem to some 'young, uninterested, receptionist' who said, 'Have you looked in the manual?' The manual is about 1000 pages long so Ann said, 'Where in the manual should I look? And also can I just check that I have the correct phone number for you. I've phoned 6 times this morning and no one has answered.'

'Young uninterested receptionist' said, 'We've only got one telephonist and we're short staffed today so can't answer all the calls.' Seriously??? There were three uninterested looking receptionists sitting on the reception area. And I really don't care who is reading this – Arnold Clark; your customer service skills are non existent.

'Young uninterested receptionist' tried to tell Ann that all the mechanics were busy and they wouldn't be able to sort out our problem today. At which point Ann said, 'No one is answering your phones, I bought my car from you and this shouldn't be happening.'

Anyway to cut a very long story short need to go to bed now, a manager type person appeared (after a long wait when we didn't know where young uninterested receptionist had gone), and he sorted out the problem for us. Though the route home didn't take us on any roads where we could do more than 50mph so still not entirely convinced that the problem has been fixed. But ho hum, I guess time will tell.

…...............And after all that trauma I went for a run on Porty Beach. It was extremely windy and I had to do loads of running about to stay warm.........................

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