
By momcat1

Beaver back blip

We had our usual SFO lectures tonight so no photos from this PM , but yesterday we had an extra session : an owl and woodcock walk. It was of course cloudy and had rained in the afternoon so the twilight light when the woodcocks dance was not as bright as  it would have been on a sunny day due to the heavy cloud cover.The woodcocks were certainly peenting and you could tell there were several flights by the wing sounds , but not even Steve Kress spotted the football sized woodcock doing it's thing to get the girl.Ah well , a disappointment , but now I know where to look for them! The owls were not seen but were heard-the hooting of a great horned and the who cooks for you call of the barred owl. The evening spotting also included spotted salamanders red newts, a toad  and  a tiny little peep toad in a pond.
It started with a walk around the pond at Sapsucker Woods which is where yesterday's heron was preening  and this beaver was swimming around ( right outside the lab!). Surprisingly close and not at all disturbed -apparently he shows up most nights around 7:30 ..well this month anyway!

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