Snow Down Under

By snowy


Yay - another 6 mm of rain early this morning. It all helps. Though our daily paper got it wrong with a large headline "PREPARE FOR A SOAKING"; perhaps the East Coast got the soaking ? Put a big wash on the line; all morning it was very dull & overcast, so brought it in just after lunch & wouldn't you know it, the sun made a welcome appearance !
Lyn my lovely regular gardener, who always gave me 2 hours on a Friday, because of her age, is gradually pulling back. She has been with me for 16 years; & I couldn't speak highly enough of her. She knows the garden intimately & has been an absolute GEM. Ironically when this was happening, who should appear on the scene, but another great gardener, Kim, who made enquiries as to whether I'd have work for her ? At least 20 years ago Kim use to help me, then to my consternation a young musterer appeared on the scene, swept her off her feet, proposed, married, & took her off to a farm in the North Island. It's a long story, but to cut the tail short (as the mouse said, when he backed into the bacon slicer ) the family, along with 3 teenage daughters are now back in Central Otago ! I am telling you all this because now Kim gives me 2 hours on a Thursday. Whereas in the past we use to work together, nowadays I'm inclined to point my walking stick & give orders !!! This morning, with the help of Peter who dug the holes, we planted in the top garden, 6 maples & 15 Azaleas, all purchased from Blue Mountain Nursery, in Tapanui. It has been a very good morning !
Whilst we were up the back I took a photo of the lake with mist and cloud clinging to the side of the mountain; when this happens, it reminds me so much of Scotland. Was just about to upload it - & guess what, the sun popped out, so I shot out & took another with a blue corner, the size of a postage stamp.

You will observe I have cut back all the hostas.

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