Tussock Tales

By TussockTales


What a wild night it was. The power went off over the hill in Queenstown so we heard today, and the lightning storm was even more spectacular than it was here. The Boss turned the system off when the delay between flashes and crashes got to a couple of seconds, or I barked, whichever came first. The Boss's studio is pretty small and if I bark he usually goes through the roof. Bad for his nerves but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do, so sorry I guess. Luckily it was all over here by my bedtime so there were no emergency visits to The Boss in bed and we got info about a "Thunder Jacket" for me, that might improve fireworks displays which Wanaka seems to specialise in what with all the sporting events we have.
Come the morning things seemed to have returned to normal so it was up the mountain with Peter after a quick visit for a blip and the rest of the day was nice and pottery, i.e. we pottered about, not made clay jugs.
There was a spectacular pic in the news of the storm in Queenstown but I am sure the photographer had a lovely assistant to hold an industrial umbrella over the camera. Our lovely assistant was elsewhere and I seriously doubt that The Boss could have convinced her to do this anyway. There is a certain amount of hazard in standing on a hill, in the pouring rain and holding an umbrella up during a lightning storm.

Today's picture was a return to Glendhu Bay and thoughts of the summer to come. It was kinda odd as the camp ground was completely deserted while the Boss did this but he was not about to let me loose around the grounds while he was distracted. I have a bit of a reputation to overcome I can see.

Bigger Swing

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