Between 3 Trees

The Boss seems to remember a similar song that was all the rage back in his high school days except the boys had slightly different words and a different number of trees. Wasn’t youth fun. Of course dogs are much more straight forward in puppyhood, we are just younger dogs and our interest in trees whatever number of them remains pretty near the same, and we are never given to wording naughty songs and such.
It’s been a nice Saturday and OH OH OH I almost forgot “The Layer” (Not Photoshop) has finished. WooHoo!!! AND he said a special goodbye to me and pointed out all the bits that I still had to “lay” on to complete my apprenticeship so I have decided to pace myself and perhaps have a lay a day.
Oh nearly a song title there?
BY the time The Boss and Bossess came out of the restaurant tonight where they had been having a “gift” dinner it was pouring down so The Boss’s Iphone was right again, it was just that no one looked at it, so D always a gentleman ran home and got the truck (they had walked) and they all rode home dry.
Oh and I saw Tiny T today trying out a new attachment belt that The Boss had got from the Sallies Shop to fit her on The Boss’s new camera bag. (Same camera…New bag. I wonder what all THAT was about???
Paw Note…Thank you for all the nice comments on My K9 Wall of Honour. Really appreciate THAT AND The Boss has promised to post the odd update.

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