
I slept pretty well, not too bothered by the aching wrist. We left Crail straight after breakfast in order to call in at the step-mother-in-law's house - she was awake this time, so let us in. We met her dog who barked almost all the time. She (the dog) got particularly loud when she spotted the local heron arriving at the top of the rock garden - he was after the frogs in the pond at the top of the water feature but it's currently having works done after being investigated for a leak so they seem to have de-camped. The heron, faced with a volley of barking (albeit from behind glass doors), tried hiding behind a shrub. 

We got home without incident and I suddenly realised that I felt very, very tired - hadn't realised quite how much I must have been like a quietly coiled spring leading up to last night's gig. Time for a fish supper, a glass of Bitter and Twisted, and an early night.

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