Somebody Help Me Sing

You would be surprised at how many people have said to us over the last few weeks, "what did you do to your kids to make them both go so far away?"

We laugh and say, "yeah, we were the worst". 

But it hurts. 

We brought them up the way we meant to.  

We wanted strong, brave kids, who were polite, made their own decisions, and did everything they could to achieve as much as they could in life. 

And if being brave, and strong means going out and testing the world, seeing things, and doing things, that I wouldn't be brave enough to do, then so be it.   

I am delighted with and proud of my kids.  

Imagine - Leaving at 18 to study in America; making friends from all over the world, helping other kids with their studies, and then being asked to stay and work with the University.   

And to grow from the quietest child in the world, to make Head gal, before heading to Edinburgh to University and turning into the craziest Party animal in the world, before working for the Queen, and saving enough money to take herself off to the other side of the world.... 

They are brilliant. Simply brilliant. 

So tonight, when I said to Boy,  "Boy, did you stay in America because we were awful?   His response above, resulted in spontaneous tears. 

There was a pause, in our text conversation, and then he added...

"shit, that was relatively profound". 

And I laughed, and I knew, I knew with all my heart, we did the BEST job in the world. 

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