Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2017 Friday -- Geraniums at the Pier

"A beautiful day" is certainly what this could be titled. For Christians, this is "Good Friday." A title that took time for me to grasp until truly understanding what Jesus did and accomplished on the cross so long ago.

I grew-up attending Lutheran church because my stepdad is German. Mr. Fun grew-up attend the Catholic Church because his mom is/was French. We were both taught that Jesus died for the whole wide world. As an adults, we learned to personalize that -- Jesus died in my place. He died for me. That's what makes it "good" Friday.

Some people say, "Gosh, that takes a lot of faith." It does. I think not believing takes a lot of faith too. Everyone must decide which side of the story they will believe -- everyone believes one side or the other.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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