we set off for a long run today - it was pretty cold but nice, the sun came out a few times and there was very little wind, so perfect for running. beefy had a toilet stop at meldrum house hotel then we caught up with each other at the top of airyhillock for some water and haribo. I got asked for directions at the bottom of mum's road then right along at the inverurie end I noticed a wee black lamb stuck on the wrong side of the fence crying to its mum. so beefy climbed into the field and I did a lot of clapping and a lady from a nearby house managed to catch it and beefy lifted it over about 20 minutes later. the rest of the journey was pretty uneventful apart from me completely losing beefy and worrying that he had collapsed (he hadn't). I ended up doing 17 miles (3 hours 12 minutes), my longest yet. my knee was ok, just niggling in the last 5 miles but better. my legs were like lead when I got home though, and I could have happily gone straight to bed and slept. beefy did his 16 miles with no problems.

so, that took up most of the day - the girls were just mooching about all day. beth went to daviot to roll eggs and have tea and we watched a bit of oliver! 'til the kids got bored and drifted off to watch other things. so game of thrones went on for us...I don't know what's going on and who folk are for large chunks of it though. too many characters.

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