The edge, again (Day 711)

It was utterly vile when I took the dogs up the hill this morning. A strong, bitterly cold wind propelled icy, stinging sleet. It was a relief to get back to the car.
I had planned to head out on the bike this morning, but the frequent hail showers suggested otherwise. A message on my voicemail got me embroiled in searching for emails from a customer, which I eventually tracked down in an obscure inbox which I can only access via a web page. The emails concern a bathroom which the customer wanted fitted in January, but they still haven't made up their mind and continually want to ask questions about things for which they already have answers. The original quote is now irrelevant and I will have to re-do the quote. I will probably add "idiot tax" to cover the vast amount of time I have spent on emails and finding information.
The sun was starting to come out at lunchtime and I decided it was worth heading along to Yesnaby with the dogs. We walked north, into the cold wind, but the colours were well worth it. The extra shot is looking south, with the dogs looking out for rabbits and hares.
We are now all home, waiting for my beautiful wife to come home from her 24 hour shift.

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