Journey Through Time

By Sue

Autumn Meadowhawk Dragonfly

I was sitting inside having my breakfast when something moved and glinted in the sunlight in a tree outside my window. Ever on the alert, now that I am a Blipper, I wondered what it was. Upon further investigation it turned out to be a dragonfly. Camera in hand, I approached with caution, although it was up in the tree and oblivious to me. I snapped a few shots, and I am pretty happy with this one. They always look like they are smiling.

Today is going to be miserably hot as the east wind is blowing in hot, dry air and that is the most irritating wind that we have here. So, Bill and I are watching the DNC from last night that we recorded. I also have a movie I can watch this afternoon....Tree of Life. Have no idea if it's good, but it had good reviews. So, decided...this is the blip and I'm sticking to it. I don't want to go back outside today!!

PS I had blipped a dragon like this before, Last year, when it was on a tomato stalk and sat very still as I walked all the way around it and took many photos of it.

Hope you are having a great day Blippers. See ya. (I know I am behind again in comments. I'll try to touch base eventually .)

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