Journey Through Time

By Sue

Late Summer Hydrangea

It's time to feature our hydrangea which, because of soil acidity, is slowly turning from pink to dark purple blue. This really is a pretty color and it doesn't matter to me what color it wants to be. If I had a better yard for it, I would have a lot more hydrangea, and lots of different ones, as they are a beautiful plant. My cousin, Jeri(of Rainy Day in Oregon) put up a gorgeous, old fashioned looking hydrangea also, which I love, love, love.

We just had some thunder and lightening, or I guess it's lightening then thunder, to the west of us. I was outside scouting blip opportunities and I saw 3 pretty good lightening bolts. The storm was moving pretty fast and it seems to have moved on northward. The underside of the cloud was really interesting looking.

And, last night we watched most of Tree of Life with Sean Penn, Brad Pitt and some pretty good kid actors, names I don't know at the moment. Anyway, I can't recommend this film to anyone, unless you are really, really, really into Art Films and/or if you are a student of "film" and/or if you like really something totally different, unique and slow as molasses in January. Gorgeously filmed and wonderful special effects, however. Then, after you watch it with your other Art Film aficionados, you all can sit around in the coffee shop/bistro/cafe and discuss what every nuance, look, sigh, sound, scene, flash back, image, birth of the Universe meant. Or you can get the Cliff Notes on line and have some kind of clue, like we did. We also skipped to near the end to see what happens and was over with. Thank God.

Boys are in (American) Football heaven....College ball today. Oregon State is currently winning. How about that.

Woke up with a red eye and my "good" ear a bit touchy. However, unless it gets worse, I'm going to blame it on the East wind that brought in all this smoke from the forest fires burning up in the Columbia Gorge. We could smell it last night. All these particulates in the air can't be that good for you. When we went to the beach the other day, I could BREATHE!! Good fresh coastal air. I miss it.

Have a good day, my Blip Buddies. Hope the weekend is going great.

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