Forrest Fire

It is the warmest thing outside today.
And tomorrow they are talking about it being below freezing at getting up time!
Oh joy!

Monday is mother-in-law visiting day and since it was a child free day we were able to saunter along slightly later and linger a bit longer than usual.
It was then off up to the golf club where we met up with the H's for lunch and to give them the key to our new door so they can deliver PD.
The course was quite busy and this young lady look like she is going to be rather good.
On the way home I stopped and walked back up the road a short way to remove the broken branch which was stuck in the hedge and forcing cars onto the wrong side of the road going round a tight, narrow left hand bend ........ rather dangerous with some of the lunatic locals in their 4x4's who drive down the middle of the road refusing to give an inch at the best of times.
Back at the car I took a couple of shots of the old hut which is really beginning to fall apart. (There is at least one blipper who knows exactly where this is)

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