
By Nettenet

A riot ...

... of colour.

Last day of my holidays, although I received a message mid morning from the teacher I work with asking if I was going in. It's an inset day and as I'm still supply I haven't attended any of their inset days so far but she was obviously expecting me... oops!

Took Ruby over to Richmond park for a walk and went into Isabella Plantation (dogs on leads) to see the wonderful delight of the rhododendrons and azaleas in full bloom. Whilst in the Plantation we came across a young thrush on one of the paths. Only about a meter away, it was chirping away, unfazed of Ruby's attempt of trying to chase it (I had my work cut out trying to keep Ruby as calm as poss). It flew straight at Ruby, I really thought it was going to land on her head but landed back down on the path. I think if I didn't have Ruby I could have picked it up or touched it at the least. Although lovely and sunny today, there is a real chill in the air.

Quiz night and Lucy is joining us before she heads home tomorrow.

Couple of extras. (P.s. No filters on any of them).

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