All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ice-skates and penguins

Ethan and I had a busy day today.

We started off meeting my friend Lesley and her wee boy Logan at Scrambles soft play. We don't see them as often as we'd like but the boys always get on really well, which is nice to see.

After lunch there too, Ethan and I headed into Edinburgh for Ethan's first lesson at The Penguin Club! I thought it was either going to be a big hit or a big miss but had no idea which it would be. Having watched his cousin at her lesson recently, he was quite enthusiastic about giving ice-skating a go.

I was rather dubious about the fact he'd be wearing real ice-skates and he struggled to walk in them at first going from the changing rooms to the rink. He was given a big penguin to hold on to on the ice and I had to stand behind him to support him (and also to support me I guess as it's a long time since I last went skating)! He wasn't too sure about that as his feet were slipping about all over the place and then he spotted they had tricycles on the ice too so he just wanted a go on the! I was happy to push him along on that for a while as again it gave me something to hold on to! The instructor then asked me if I wanted to go for a skate on my own and she'd push Ethan along .... they ended up chasing me which he found very funny and I was relieved I managed to stay upright! Ethan then had another shot at standing up on the ice whilst holding on to the penguin and didn't even notice when I'd let go and he was doing it all by himself!

When I asked if he wanted to go back next week he gave a big "yes" so I guess the class was a hit!

I forgot to take any photos of him wearing the skates though so had to do an emergency blip of my old skates from my teenage years, when I got home. I didn't wear them today though - they're not in great condition and need a really good clean up!

He fell asleep on the way home and continued to sleep till 5.20pm!!! Granny and Grandpa arrived while he was sleeping and whilst initially grumpy when he woke, he soon thawed out and had cuddles with Grandpa while Granny & I made dinner.

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