Just another day on planet earth

Just a photo I took while chatting on the phone with one of the girls. Sad day today and yesterday, as she was informed that yesterday was the day she would have to let go two very valued and treasured members of her working team. It was agony, and I am sure that things like this totally blow our chakras out.

I know I would not be good at it. Sure, there is the "need" for budget cuts, but I think there are probably things that can always be cut before people and their salaries. I'm sure I'd end up being the one cut too, since I would be snide when I found out and probably say things like "It is for the good of the Party" in a very sarcastic way.

Amazing to see our children mature more than ourselves.

At any rate, she handled it with love and tears and kept her sense of morality as best she could.

It is a good time to envision renewed prosperity for the fifty people in all that had to be let go and for everyone in the world getting such news.

There is too much fear and consciousness of lack being screamed at us from every direction when really it just has to do with where the attention has been put. Lots of attention in support of destruction and very little attention to what would nurture life.

Kinda like the chemtrails overhead today - I see them daily in photos from around the world, and cannot imagine the gazillions of bucks being put into this program.

However it is 2009 and the planet is due for some renewal, and I do think that we can turn this around somehow. It is a very good time to express the positive and begin to find ways to put caring first. I know that sounds a bit naive, but doing it the other way has not been all that beneficial to Gaia.

Ah, well, I am just ruminating here. Did much more of that than taking photos today.

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