A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Deer walk surprise.

A duller morning today and quite cool but not windy.
We set off on our local deer walk which is reknowned for being muddy, but we were pleased to see that the fields are drying up.
What we didn't see were any deer. This is almost unheard of, even if we only see one in the distance but we thought it was possible that they are busy with young.
Lots of bluebells but perhaps not at their best just yet.

Passing back through the hamlet of Ravenroyd with its many horses and stables my neighbour and I, both cat lovers, were surprised by this chap jumping up onthe wall along side us.
He was quite surprised too. He jumped down almost immediately and followed his mistress through the gate where he seemed surprised again to see that we were still there. He trotted after her into the stables.

A couple of our number are quite spooked by horses so it was funny to see Corinthian Column striding forward ahead of everyone to pass two of them at one of the gates. At the last minute they turned and so did she - as fast as she could to hide behind the rest of us.

There's always a bit of fun on our walks even if there aren't the expected deer.

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