Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

What an Exit!

Friday, Friday . . . such a fabulous exit!

I have spent this day in Murrieta at the Riverside County Office of Education with three others from my campus and many others from the local unified school districts at an educational workshop regarding the EPA (Early Assessment Program) of The California State University system. It is a course in teaching Expository Reading and Writing. The purpose of the course is help students graduate from high school and qualify to immediately enroll in college writing. For years the statistics of how many students are not ready for college writing has been staggering. So this is designed to change those numbers. The community college where I teach is desiring to connect to the local high schools and synchronize our terminology/vocabulary so that our faculty will be communicating effectively with students who have, for the most part, come from the local high schools. The workshop was interesting, but now I'm tired. I go back for more tomorrow and then in two weeks we go back for the third session and then two weeks after that for the fourth and final session.

After finishing dinner, I walked out into the backyard and watched the best entertainment of the evening. Just spectacular.

That's it from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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