Jesus Ditch.

I HAVE JUST HAD A SHOCK !  I was checking my facts for Jesus ditch  on google and  it referred me to my blipfoto entry 2nd Nov 2012. I knew I had taken a different picture for an entry nearly 5 years ago. Also on Pinterest there is my wording with somebody else's photo ! I get my information from various places, the colleges, the history society etc . Although it doesn't matter to me, it would matter to some of the other more professional photographers on blip. I once saw a blipfoto of mine in a National newspaper under another name, but I couldn't prove it so I let it go.  Anyway, rant over....
Jesus ditch is part of the old medieval King's ditch which in Elizabethan times was part of the sewer system of Cambridge. It existed before the Norman Conquest, possibly dug in the Danish era.  In the early 1200's it was more of a rubbish dump. It borders Jesus college and is now home to wildlife.

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