Black Sheep of the family

Slept well again......woke early, it was bright and sunny. I thought I could hear buzzing, but deduced it was outside as the windows are all open in their vents now. When we did get up a couple of hours later, it was much more cloudy and as I went into the ensuite to shower, I found the "buzzer" a large wasp on the white shower mat, needless to say it was soon disposed of!!

Hub and I went off out to the local market garden, as he wanted to get his tomatoe plants, together with cucumbers and chillis to bring them all on in the greenhouse. I also bought the first batch of bedding plants...mainly because they had the trailing begonias that I like for our baskets, that always seem to get snapped up very quickly! So the window sills in the kitchen are now home to these until there is no frost threat.

We stayed for lunch, had a minted lamb barm ( bad person, bearing in mind what I had in mind for this afternoon!) with a cuppa....lovely, hub couldnt resist their homemade bread and butter pudding with custard afterwards. I did get a couple of spoonfuls ;-)

Once we got home hub decided he wanted to wash the car and I trotted off with my camera in the hope of capturing the little lambs (!) before they become sheep!! I thought this laid back mummy with her two little ones was really sweet. The little black one isnt part of this family , its mummy was close by though:-)

I was about to type that hub is going in for his angiogram tomorrow, but the phone has just rung and its been postponed until next Wednesday :-/ so he has just informed me that I can drive to the quiz now tonight, which I normally do, but because he was going to hospital, he had said he would drive, no wine for me then ;-) Hopefully we will have as a good a night as last week :-)

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