
By Frogbit

Long hair

Yesterday we started off the day with a walk. There's a field near us where three very shaggy horses live and which has a footpath running alongside one of the boundaries.  This horse always comes over to show us his best side if we have our cameras. I think he hopes we might offer carrots as payment. Sadly for him we are never that prepared.

Much gardening achieved later on and W finally addressed the disappearing water butt problem. Our two water butts have spent the last 10 years gradually burying themselves into the soil with the weight of their contents so the contents were emptied into the pond and excavations begun to extract the butt stands from their pits. We'd salvaged a couple of very large and robust paving slabs from Freecycle several months earlier specifically for the butts to stand on and these were now put in place. It all looks so much better. Now we just need some rain. 

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