
By Frogbit

Frantic fish

I was waiting for our RO water containers to be filled at the local garden centre's aquatic department when this tank of fish suddenly became very animated after one of the staff lifted the lid of an adjacent tank  I have no idea what they were interested in but the way they were swirling round and round was really captivating. 

Son 2 had an early exit from his final football match today when a back injury resurfaced early on in the game. While he languished in a bath of Epsom salts I tackled the overbearing magnolia in the back garden.  This generated an enormous pile of material for the compost heap very quickly but, as usual, compost bay number 1 was overflowing. Therefore, as usual, this required bay 3 to be emptied so the other bays could be turned thereby making some space for the new stuff. And when bay 3 is emptied the contents have to be distributed which in turn means an impromptu mulching session. Very satisfying to complete it all but you do feel afterwards as though you've had a marathon work out without even going anywhere near Tower Bridge.

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