Lambs Take Shelter

More wintery showers continue today, but again, some sunny spells too.

Up early and got out walkies with Sammy after breakfast.  I heard there was killer whales heading towards mam's, so I rushed down the road, but they were too far out.  Me, mam and Elise went visiting to see Douglas and Iris, then popped along the Sandwick shop after.  Found some more finds with the metal detector too.  More walkies tonight, and then off to work in the pub. 

Good job the whales weren't close, as my camera was out of battery!  So it's a quick snap with my mobile.  These poor peerie lambs were having to take shelter from the wintery showers today, I'd much rather see them running about the fields.  Hopefully it'll warm up again soon.  Taken at Greenmow, Cunningsburgh. 

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