Shelly Shed

Woke up and it was raining.  The rain seemed like it was never going to stop all day, and continued to get heavier.  Just a few miles north, and it's been snowing!  Saying that, the snow has just arrived here this evening.

With the rainy morning, it gave me a chance to get on with the household chores and cleaning.  Nipped out to Burra after lunch with Brian and Julie, and had a cuppa and yarn with Julie's mam, Lorraine.  Roast lamb for tea, and then a quiet evening on the sofa.  Sammy popped his head out, but rushed back in again.  Off to work in the pub later.

Whilst at Lorraine's, we saw a chance to get out with the dogs for a walk, although it rained on us, it wasn't just too heavy.  We walked all over Hamnavoe, and Julie showed me secret paths through the village.  We also passed this unusually decorated building, using shells, very pretty :)  My cousin Eileen also has similar at her home at Heylor.  This is taken on Roadside, Hamnavoe, Burra.

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