The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Honestly, this weekend could not be better. Last night, after a lovely dinner, I attended a lecture introducing us to the history of portraiture until 10.15pm. I left other students to head to the bar and I went straight to bed...waking at 5am as normal and then sleeping on until 7.50am!!! Nipped to breakfast and then started the first of four 90 minutes lectures. They have been so interesting and covered professional portraits, self portraits and child portraits. We have one more after dinner. This afternoon we had two hours free so I sat in the wonderful gardens under pure blue skies...heavenly!! The food has been amazing, we had salmon for lunch with wonderful salads. I've met some interesting people and learnt so much. I feel totally relaxed and rested. So, a quick shower now and I'm off to dinner. It was great to FaceTime you this afternoon, looking forward to catching up tomorrow after breakfast. Must make sure I don't oversleep!!!!! ;0) xx

PS. My room is at the top of the rear tower!! Cool view!

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