The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Bitten off more than I can chew?

Ah, much excitement last night and today with my blip birthday. Thanks for all the lovely comments, there is nothing nicer than a celebration with friends.

School was busy and enjoyable as always, lots done and lots of lessons visited. At the end of the day I drove down to Madingley Hall on the outskirts of Cambridge - with the roof down, yeeha!! This is part of The University of Cambridge and they deliver a wide range of courses. This weekend is my first ever visit and the place is utterly amazing! I'll try and blip the whole hall but this chimney is a little taste of what it looks like! I am on a course on the History of Portraiture. I know absolutely bugger all about the topic...there are nine of us on the course, all women except for one man. I'm a little worried that they might be experts and I might look like a right sardine...but I'm the only one on the list with Dr at the start of their name so at least they will think I'm clever!! Ha ha! Such deception!

Anyway, I'm off to dinner and then have a lecture from 8.30-10pm. I'm normally in bed by then! I think there are lots of courses on this weekend so the 96 rooms are mostly taken...mine is up in the tower, it's gorgeous. I'm sitting up here because I don't want to go to the bar...I don't have any friends! And I'm avoiding alcohol, still being an angel and avoiding anything naughty! Anyway, gotta go to dinner so I'll fill you in on the news tomorrow.

Sleep tight!xx

Update...I'm sitting on the terrace overlooking perfect lawns and shrubs...I can see two croquet lawns...this place is amazing! We should come on a course together, it's like a proper weekend away on the cheap!!

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