
By doruktp


Every time I look at this photo, I remember how Tulya intimidated me in a weirdly positive way. She was just amazing in all her ways and if I were to have an idol, she was the one. Then I realise how lucky I am to know such a person, with inspiration and creativity flowing out of her 24/7. We were going to go to Bogazici University to watch the documentary, Gender Revolution and we had for Mr. Hoovler and others to arrive at the bus, so we just laid on the grass and enjoyed nature, we were lucky with the weather. She told me to give her my phone, that she saw a great picture. First there was our bags in the shot, but then she reframed it and produced this perfection. I was shocked, not knowing where to look, but she just took this one shot and it was amazing. Her phone was broken during that time, and she refused to repair it because she didn't want to get addicted to it, but she told me how she missed taling photos...

These were one of the very special moments of me appreciating the campus. I rarely adore my school, mostly because of it's busy schedule of just doing and doing and never taking a break... It's important, however, to jump back to "now," and cherish these times and places where we are obviously blessed. I will forget the lessons I struggled through on this campus, but won't forget this photo that Tulya took of me and remember its back-story and feel what I was feeling back then.

Thank you, Tulya, for everything you let me see

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