
By doruktp


This is about how my attention shifted from the moon whilst I was taking the picture to the tone of blue in the sky. I took this picture initially because I liked how the moon looked with the blue. This time I waited a bit to take the picture though, and it was worth it. I thought that the branches and the moon looked cool, but they only looked cool for my eyes. Looking at the picture during editing, I realised how small the moon was and that the branches had an amazing contrast with the sky. And the moon looks like the moon now, no more dazzling-shining aspects.

This process made me realise how prone to change us humans are. Anything can happen at any given time, or nothing at all that's outside our mind, but we'll change what's going on. Even if it's a small change or if it's drastic. It happens in seconds too, we forget the idea that we loved, the one that was very true, but just believe in another idea in seconds. Crazy. I was disappointed at first, that the moon didn't look as great as I planned it to, but I changed my mind really quickly.

Well, it looks good, right? I think it does. I mean I've taken good pictures, and this is kind of one of them.

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