My poor cats and dogs
When Jake is here they have a terrible time .. He loves them but is a bit rough and manhandles them and as I took this I think Princess Mitten kitten was contemplating throwing herself out of the bedroom window ...
Well Jake only woke once last night so I got into his bed with him and he went back to sleep till just after 7am .. I almost had a cardiac arrest as that is almost middle of the night to me on a weekend ;)
We took the girls to see Brave at the cinema,what a smashing little Pixar film I am awarding it a good 8/10 loved it !!!
Oh yes Bobby the humping puppy who tried to hump Jake yesterday has a lot to answer for as Jake keeps trying to ride the dogs !!!
It's that sentence you never imagined you would ever say ' no darling we don't ride Buffy do we and put your pull up back on' ..
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