A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Sun shining again

It feels like we've enjoyed a really long spell of good weather which is particularly lovely as life at the moment affords me a lot of opportunities to be outside.

Some unplanned. Like the very early morning trip to the very excellent Maplin to get an adapter cable for Jackson's new monitor. He was very excited when it arrived yesterday as it is the first thing he has wanted and researched and saved for himself. Unfortunately it didn't come with cables that fitted so he's had to wait to set it all up. He's in school now but that should keep him occupied this afternoon.

Meanwhile I've been for a run around the grounds of Chiswick House in the glorious sunshine.

And Anna impressed me this morning waking up with a positive attitude to her situation, wanting to attend her friend's party even though she can't join in and plans for an adjusted activity regime for the next few weeks.

And Carl thanked me for being a 1950s housewife because he had a pair of matching socks. He is very easily pleased.

Lesley x

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