A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Night school

I should have posted this before I spent three hours learning Spanish. Now there is little danger of any sense as my brain is truly fried. Pah to my concerns that the class was too long and the time might drag. A very impressive pace was kept throughout. Though I don't think I heard a word of the last ten minutes. Fun though, and lovely teacher and nice people. Which is a relief as I can't remember the last time I walked into a room and knew nobody.

There was other stuff earlier but someone has leant heavily on the fade button. I think the most significant thing was probably Jackson's first real science lesson which gave him quite a buzz.

And I watched the first episode of Inside No. 9. Well it was actually the second by accident but first to me. Anyway, I thought it was very clever and funny and I recommend it to anyone with Netflix. (Though you might want to watch it before showing CB SooB).

Hasta mañana
Lesley x

Ps - this isn't night school, this is the church next door. And an interesting sky. We had every weather today. 10 minutes earlier this would have been hail. 10 minutes later glorious sunshine.

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