Top Bird

On Huddersfield Road, Newhey there are two pubs on the same side of the road only 200 metres apart. This one is the "Bird in the Hand" - known in the village as the "top bird." The other, my "extra" photograph for today, is the "Bird in Hand" - known to locals as the "bottom bird." I have tried to find out how this has come about.  Both pubs were closed today so I could not enquire within. The only reference I can find is the following explanation, on this website:

" Both these pubs take their name from the once very popular local sport of cock-fighting, which lingered on (and may still do so) in isolated places around the moors, on a clandestine basis long after it was made illegal."

Perhaps that explains why, after taking the two photographs, a gloomy chap followed me to my car and scowled as I drove off.  

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