
By RaceyTrace333

Horror SP with friend

Today was up early, baked a cake by 9am.
Then out in the garden pruned and cut the grass, sorted out the dead hanging baskets and sorted out pots.

Then later on I met up my friend Debbie in Clacton, and we did a little shopping. We had a lovely afternoon and stopped for coffee and cake. While we were having cake she showed me nightshirts she had brought us matching and face masks for a relaxing evening, with a few drinks.

My friend came out of hospital this afternoon and popped over for a short while this evening.

Then when she went, on with the nightshirts and face mask hence the piccie. Sitting in garden relaxing with our masks on under the heater. Not an ounce of damp outside, gorgeous looking up at the stars. Roxy laying with us too, no mask on though!

Hope you are all having a good weekend.

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