
By RaceyTrace333

Incy Wincy Spider

Climbing in his web!

This morning i woke up quite earlyl, as had a really back ache in the night, my hip went yesterday, I was only walking into a garage. Not so bad today, eased a lot.

I have been downloading photos today for a friend, that I took last weekend. As she really wants to see them.

I am off to lunch today with another best friend, running out of time to see them all. I also have an old friend wanting to see me. She has returned to England from living in Spain. We used to have a real laugh together especially in Geography.

I still have the hot tub to empty, but when I was in the garden, I noticed this spider in his web. It was not easy to get a shot as he kept moving every time I went to click the button. I love his beady little eyes. Quite pleased with this shot.

Got to dash, as friend will be here about 11.30 and I am still in my nightshirt, which my other friend brought me. We had such fun ast night having a pamper in our matching nightshirts and drinkng pimms, like you do.

See you all later, have a good day!!!!!!

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