Julie's Cozy Kitty??

The northerly winds continue to blow, and still cold.  Wintery showers through the day, with the odd bit of sunshine.  Still cold this evening, but fairly sunny.

I've been working in the museum office again today, and also helping out on the desk from time to time.  After work, I rushed up to Unst with my exhibition, and dropped it off with sister Julie.  She was working late at the library, her community opening night at the school.  Enjoyed a cuppa and yarn, before heading for the ferry and home again.  A quick walk with Sammy, and then off to work in the pub.  

Me and Julie nipped down to the shop for a hock about, I always find interesting things in country shops, and Julie was needing some errands.  We came across this kitty warmer, and we have been giggling about various relates topics, best not repeated!  Taken inside Ethel's shop, Baltasound, Unst. 

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