Belinda Lee

By bellee

9th of the 9th

Happy Birthday to all of those September babies! There is a lot of them.

Anyway, went to dad's this afternoon as him and Annette took me out for dinner and this is what I saw as I drove into the street.

This is not necessarily a strange occurrence. It happens every so often, but today I actually had the camera with me. The noise when they all turn up or leave together, is so loud. It's kinda cool. Haha.

Spent most of the day baking for work on Tuesday. We have a monthly birthday event where all of the people having birthdays have to take something in. I think I went a little overboard. I have 3 different types of muffins and banana cake to take in, and then the rejects that don't look good enough to take into work (I am a virgo...a perfectionist, this sometimes works against me).

Then over to dad's this afternoon, went out for a lovely dinner and had a wine and a good chat.

Thank you to all of the people that have sent me messages, it has been lovely!!

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