A room with a view

Worked at one of our different locations today and this is the view out of the window. Relaxing!

Much needed after dealing with local hospitals which, thanks to health insurance, I don't normally have to deal with. I needed a medical check for my visa for Kuwait. I wanted to avoid a three day visit to London which would've been a big rush. If it had been possible to get a number for the testing coordination centre in Cairo I would've discovered the report will take 20 days (not including bruises from blood tests, queuing in local hospitals where you watch everyone else have their tests done in full view, virtually no English spoken, open hazard buckets, being outnumbered 200 to 1 by men etc etc etc). All first world problems. But, as this is Egypt, people's kindness helped me get through like a woman who just made sure she was 'there' every step of the way in the blood centre, and those who made me laugh when I got teary. I know I'm lucky I don't have to deal with this usually. I only wish more people would realise how lucky we have it before they complain, and before they resent refugees.

Hopefully my medical test report won't take 20 days or I'll be late. Or maybe I'll go to London after all.

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