
I took Dan down to the Royal Infirmary, today. We thought it was just to check the progress of one of his teeth, which is being eased down from its mislocation in the roof of his mouth into a more conventional and useful position, lined up with its siblings. 

As it turned out, though, today was the day they were fitting the brace. That in itself wasn't too much of a surprise but neither of us had realised he would be required to wear a retainer over his lower teeth for the next six to eight weeks. He really is an incredible chap; I could see he was upset for a moment or two, but then he just rolled with it and accepted this new - and not particularly pleasant - state of affairs.

After dropping him back at school, I had coffee with my friend, Chris, at the Royal (where I took this photo of a candle jar) before heading back to work from home for the afternoon with one of my colleagues. 

This evening, I had another friend, Tony, coming over for the evening. I realised, however, that there was virtually nothing in the house that I could offer him to drink. Consequently, I set off for Booths, listening to the playlist for this week's #ElectronicEars. The first song to come on was 'Kiss' by Prince, which resulted in me proceeding along the road performing an unusually funky walk most unbecoming in a fifty-one year old man. And singing along in a rather ragged falsetto.


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