Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

On the mend ...

Pegs is so much better today. Out of all the things the vet said it could be (the worst of which being a tumour) it now looks likely that she has a stomach ulcer and that was why she was being so sick - the medication she has to treat this, which the vet said was the best starting point, appears to be working already.

After not being able to even hold water down yesterday morning, she has now started to get her appetite back and seems much brighter. I think it helps that she is getting spoilt rotten and fed steak, rice and peas but if that's what it takes to get her to eat then so be it! We are so relieved. She was so poorly the night before last that we really did think we were going to lose her, which I think after the last few weeks would have been too much to bear.

We had a really long lie in this morning to catch up on all the sleep we have missed. Then we went to Ikea - God it was horrible! Never ever go on a weekend! Proper road rage in the car park and everything, but we did manage to get some 'storage solutions' so we can clear our spare room and make way for Baby T.

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