
By bananablip

About today

Brilliant things about today:
- A fantastic Half Marathon event hosted so well by the Ironworks.
- Running around my old haunts of Oswestry and seeing lots of familiar sights.
- The Ironworks safari animals as mile markers.
- Seeing so many familiar faces and feeling like a celebrity running past Cabin Lane Church with everyone shouting my name.
- Seeing my truly inspirational Psychology and English A Level tutors cheering en route.
- My blingy Gorilla medal.
- A pint of beer and a fish finger sandwich.
- Knowing that I can hit the trails again now instead of long and boring training road runs.
- Thinking that it was all over too quickly and that I'd quite like to run a marathon.

Not so brilliant things about today:
- A gruelling hill half way.
- A flipping brutal grassy hill at the finish line, leaving nothing for a sprint finish.
- Finishing 24 seconds off my PB and knowing that will probably be my overriding thought about the whole day.
- Not having the time to stop and tell my tutors how brilliant and inspirational they were.
- Knowing I'll have to enter another half now just so I can beat my PB.

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