Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Meall a' Bhuachaille ridge

Lie in today to get over the week at work and J's trip to London yesterday. Fixed the bags for our walk and went into Aviemore to try and find my fleece for the plane. Ellis Bingham didn't have it but the guys at Mountain Spirit had one left and it was in the sale, even better.

We then set off to do the walk we completed in April in the snow and clouds. Parking at the Reindeer place on the road out of Aviemore to the Cairngorm railway we walked over to the Ryvoan Bothy.
After a cup of hot Ribena it was up to the summit of Meall a' Bhuachaille.
This time the weather was good and we had a fantastic view of the rest of the Cairngorms. We when went along the ridge over Creagan Gorm to Craiggowrie and back down to the car. 10.5 miles in just over 5 hours including three corbet's. Not bad going me thinks.

On the way back to the bunkhouse I finally took a photo of a tree I had been looking at each time we drove up to the Cairngorm car park. There was something about the grey roots coming out from the base that I always liked, bit like spiders legs! The weather wasn't at it best for the shot so a future project I think.

Back to the bunkhouse but couldn't get a table at the pub next door so went to the Cairngorm hotel for some food and then to bed.

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